There’s no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a cost. The Universe, as big as it is, is a closed system. Nothing can be created without something else being destroyed.
Image a box, from which you can pull anything you want, like a magician’s top hat. An enchanted cornucopia that provides whatever you need for free. But, as Mildred Landon is about to find out, nothing is ever truly free.
fantasy sf spec
The meta-verse, a 3-D computer generated world that you can visit by wearing a special headset, seems to be all the rage these days....
Bill Anker just wanted a robot vacuum to save himself a little time with his household chores. What he didn’t bargain for, was a...
People love to take shortcuts. Microwave ovens, fast food, supercomputers... But what if the fate of the world depends on you finding the answer...