Simulation theory holds that it is likely—even certain—that our universe is not real. That we only exist only as code running on some alien supercomputer, and everything we do or think is just a product of algorithms and subroutines.
Max Fathom believes this to be true. And furthermore, he has devised various hacks to exploit flaws and bugs in that code to benefit himself and his friends. One of those hacks is … The Polymorphic Puppy Paradigm.
humor sim
We all make new years' resolutions, promises to ourselves to break bad habits, or start good ones. But what if you broke that resolution,...
Everyone has seen a magician or mentalist on stage or on TV, completely flabbergasted by his performance and said to themselves, “How in the...
Vote for BSFI at under the Fiction Category!Part Thirteen of the novel, The Dead Kids Club, by Rich Hosek.Make sure to subscribe to...