Leap day comes but once every 1461 days. It is a quirk of our calendar based on the discrepancy between the time it takes the Earth to revolve around the sun versus the number of times it spins on its axis.
Most people think it's just one extra ordinary day, but what if instead, it is an extraordinary day. One on which those who have it as a birthday can do something magical.
Vote for BSFI at PodcastAwards.com under the Fiction Category! Age, they say, is just a number. But what if you lived your entire life...
Part One of the unabridge audiobook version of After Life, book 2 in the Raney/Daye Investigations paranormal mystery book series. Dr. Jennifer Daye and...
A Really Good Day will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will make you stand up and cheer! Enjoy this entertaining...