Latest Episodes

#49 - Best Story Ever
AI seems to be everywhere these days. But do we really know what kind of effect they're having on our society? On our relationships?...

#48 - Ghost City
What would you do if the barrier between the living and the dead no longer existed? If you suddenly found yourself haunted everywhere you...

#47 - Timewalker
Vote for BSFI at under the Fiction Category! Have you ever experienced déjà vu? That feeling that you’ve lived a particular moment before?...

#46 - Nevus by Dick Silver
You find a mole on your skin, one you hadn’t noticed before. But what if it’s not just a mole? What if it’s something...

#45 - Dog Years
Vote for BSFI at under the Fiction Category! Age, they say, is just a number. But what if you lived your entire life...

#44 - Magic.AI
The big worry these days is that AI is going to be able to do all the things we humans do, and take our...